among turn around(转过身来):He turned around to see who was behind him. divide among(分开):The work was divided among the team members. walk across(穿过):We walked across the street to get to the park. hide among(藏在...中):The thief was hiding among the crowd. through choose between(在...之间做选择):I had to choose between two job offers. walk around(在周围走):We like to walk around the park on sunny days. distribute among(分配):The money was distributed among the charities. there. look across(向...那边看):She looked across the field to see if her friend was look through(查看):Ineed to look through my emails to find that message. look above(向上看):The little girl looked above to see the birds flying. stand above(超过):Her grades stand above the average for her class. hide inside(藏在...里面):The cat is hiding inside the closet. behind high above(高于):The plane was flyinghigh above the clouds. above between across travel around(周游):They traveled around Europe for three months. around stay inside(呆在室内):It's too cold outside,let's stay inside. pass through(经过):We passed through several small towns on our road trip. stand behind(站在...后面):He stood behind his friend to take a picture. share between(分享):We shared the pizza between the three of us. hide behind(藏在...后面):The cat was hiding behind the couch. live inside(住在室内):The plants are livinginside the greenhouse. put inside(放进...里面):He put his wallet inside his backpack. look around(四处看看):I looked around the room for my keys. leave behind(留下):She left her coat behind at the restaurant. inside look inside(往里看):I looked inside the box to see what was inside. read through(通读):Iread through the entire book in one weekend. stretch across(横跨):The bridge stretches across the entire river. reach across(伸过去):He reached across the table to grab the salt. share among(分享):The group shared the cake among themselves.